Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Office Manager Runs Idea Up Flagpole

A corporate office manager is receiving therapy in an attempt to cure him of talking in clichés.

George Smith, who works in the City of London, wants to prevent an office walk-out by co-workers who are tired of hearing the same old homilies day after day.

One, Marilina Morganstern, said, "If hear him say 'there's no I in team' one more time I won't be responsible for my actions. He threatened to give me an official verbal warning for responding, 'no, but there is a U in fuckwit' so I'm glad he's getting some help."

George has acknowledged that he needs to tone down his cliché-ridden conversation.

"I received so many complaints from my colleagues that I had to think outside of the box and came up with the idea of therapy going forward. I intend to give it 110 per cent.

"It's definitely a value-added proposition and I feel I am in a win-win situation. I intend to bring my A game to the sessions. Therapy has benefited so many people that it's not as if I'm reinventing the wheel."

Marilina was supportive. "He's not a bad person by any means, just very, very annoying. To be fair, life has handed him some lemons and now he intends to make lemonade out of them… what the f**k did I just say? You see, it's catching. The quicker he gets that therapy the better."

George is glad he made the decision to seek help. "I ran the idea up the flagpole to see who saluted it and the whole team was on-board," he said. "I know I mustn't assume it will work, because to assume makes an ASS out of U and ME, but I'm going to push the envelope, bring it to the table, hit the ground running and maximise leverage.

"It's not rocket science. It's all good." 

The final word went to colleague Pete , "If he keeps on about running ideas up flagpoles, I shall stick a flagpole up his ass."

NEXT POST: Man starts "camping sucks" petition
PREVIOUS POST: Man Starts Talking Like Batman

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  1. I once worked with a prat like this. unfortunately he was real and not fake. don't know how i kept my hands off him.

    1. me too. complete and utter fuckwit.
