Thursday, 3 October 2019

Bangin' Clothes Shock

A Brighton pensioner is resting at  home after accidentally wandering into a branch of trendy teenage clothes chain Bangin'.

Edna Grease, 78, said she feared she had slipped back in time because the first thing she spotted was a rail of boiler suits.

"There was a beige one there and I've got a picture of my mum wearing one exactly like it when she worked in the armaments factory during the war. Then there were some playsuits just like those I used to buy for my son Jimmy when he was a toddler. In the underwear department there were lots of corsets, although I didn't see any salmon pink all-in-ones like those I used to wear to send my husband wild."

She was shocked at the number of cut-out bras and colourful thongs in the underwear section.

"The thought of wearing a thong made my cheeks go red, and not the ones on my face," she said.

She felt better when she visited the shoe section. "I quite liked a pair of high-heeled strappy sandals - I had a similar pair in the swinging 60s - but in the end I rejected them and thought I would order a pair of a comfy trainers from Marshall Ward. They are selling two pairs for £12.99 which seems like a bargain. And, at least I didn't buy slip-ons on the grounds they are easier to put on than the sandals - I can't bend as well as I once could."

She said she was taken with a "little bolero type thing" in the Top Tops section. "I popped it on but my nipples were lower than the bottom seam. Not a pretty sight. 

"Then there were some floral full skirts that when I was young were called peasant skirts. I held one up against me but instead of looking like a skittish gipsy girl I more closely resembled, well, a peasant.  Like one of those short stocky Eastern European women who's been eating too much borscht and dumplings."

It was then she realised everyone was staring at here. One young girl assistant giggled and said, "We don't get many people your age in Bangin',"

"I was appalled. Bangin'? I thought I was in the Marks and Spencer casual department. I was so shocked I got on the bus and went right home. I've been lying on the sofa drinking tea ever since. I don't think I will ever get over it.

NEXT POST: Labourer Branded a C**t And Motherf***er By Workmates

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